Week 9 Topic 2- Campus Radio

I have never been a huge fan of radio stations or listening to the radio, so I tried to think about starting a station from an unbiased perspective. I conducted some research to help me decide whether or not launching a radio station seemed feasible. My first concern was if the people at LBCC would be interested in listening to this radio station. I found that, according to News Generation, more than 71.6 million Millennials, people born between 1980 and 1996, use radio each month and 95% of them are reached monthly by radio. Due to the fact most college age students are millennials, I think that it would be possible to start a radio station, as the audience is clearly reached through radio.  My second concern was how they would go about starting it. The website, Intercollegiate Broadcasting System, offers some advice to starting a radio station. They state that a radio station is composed of two main parts: The studio, or source of programing, and the transmission mode. Transmission systems are varied. IBS recommends you start your station now using the easiest means of transmission. This site offers advice and instruction that could make it possible to start a new station. Another factor of starting the station is deciding who is going to run it. Due to the fact it would be student run, they wouldn't be paid employees so that is another cost they wouldn't have to worry about. With these two sources I do believe it is feasible, but it could still challenging.

I think one program the radio station should adopt would be a talk show. I think having LBCC students run a news/talk show would help build a loyal niche audience for the program. This format could include upcoming events on campus, important news and dates, as well as a segment on student life. Having different contest and call ins would help create a loyal audience as well. Another format the station should adopt is the top hits/contemporary hit radio. The text talks about how this format encompasses everything from rap to pop rock, that appeals to many teens and young adults, which would be the stations audience.

To fund this radio station I would recommend the students reach out to members of the community. One idea is to have a table at the LBCC welcome week. The student ran booth would have information and handouts about what this station will offer as well as a raffle to win prizes. Having a booth like this at study jams, athletic events, or any other school event could not only help raise money, but it could spread awareness to the students of the new station. Students could also reach out to local business for a donation, as local businesses usually support other locals. Students could also send out donation forms via email to current students, alumni, and staff members. On a larger scale, they could conduct a talent showcase featuring students with musical talents. The tickets sold would all benefit the starting of a new station. They could even offer the winner a segment on the first show.  

****Below are some interesting articles I found about college radio:


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